LOOP-it: Austria’s first mattress recycling company
NEVEON and Brantner green solutions are setting a milestone in the circular economy: with the founding of LOOP-it, Austria’s first mattress recycling company, the two companies are closing a crucial gap. The aim of the joint venture is to turn used mattresses into valuable raw materials and open up new material flows. Every year, over one million mattresses are disposed of in Austria, releasing around 150,000 tons of CO₂ and resulting in the loss of valuable materials. LOOP-it will collect, dismantle and mechanically recycle used mattresses in collaboration with recycling centers. The raw materials obtained will then be used in the production of new products such as carpet underlays or sound insulation elements. “Today’s waste is tomorrow’s resource. We are taking an important step towards a sustainable circular economy in Austria,” emphasizes Jernej Hren, Managing Director of LOOP-it.