For a clean future

Sustainability is not a buzzword for us, but a corporate philosophy and therefore an integral part of all company processes. We are striving for a transition to a modern, resource-efficient economy. With our circular economy, we want to close material cycles and reduce waste to a minimum and turn it into secondary raw materials. Disposal therefore means much more than collecting and transporting waste professionally. We process it in such a way that it can be subjected to the most modern recycling processes and thus make an important contribution to a clean and liveable environment! Brantner guarantees sustainable and environmentally friendly business practices that exceed legal requirements. This applies to the processes within the company as well as the quality of the services offered to customers.

Sustainability & quality

As a modern service company, our primary goal is to continuously improve our high quality standards and thus meet increasing customer requirements at home and abroad.

We were the first company in our industry to have our CO2 footprint verified by TÜV Austria.

Through projects such as the processing of waste incineration slag in Hohenruppersdorf, the year-round production of high-quality, peat-free compost and compost substrates at Brantner Erdenreich in Gneixendorf – Austria’s most modern composting plant – and the use of waste collection vehicles with alternative drive systems such as Bluepower, we are making a positive contribution to the climate.

The use of our secondary raw materials by our customers saves more CO2 than is generated by our processes.

Certified environmental protection

Environmental protection is our motto and certificates guarantee that all waste is collected, recycled and disposed of in a professional, legally compliant and, above all, environmentally friendly manner. To guarantee the quality of our services, Brantner green solutions has a management system in accordance with ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 45001.


All our organic composts are not only continuously monitored internally, but are also certified by the following external bodies: