By-products from industrial production, e.g. apple marc or special items/off-spec batches from the food and luxury food industry, often pose a major problem for producers. We review the existing sales channels for by-products and develop new ones. The combination of knowledge and experience of the production company, our know-how and our market knowledge enable new sales channels and interesting solutions for the use of your by-products. We offer the following products for you:
Animal feed
By-products from the processing of agricultural products and food production are ideal as animal feed. We offer producers a secure supply and customers a reliable supply.
Organic and mineral by-products can be used as fertilizers in field cultivation, in special crops (fruit, wine and vegetable cultivation) or as components for the production of fertilizers.
Raw materials
By-products from industrial production often pose a major problem for producers. We review the existing sales channels for by-products.
Biomass materials can be used unprocessed in the field of bioenergy production (biomass combustion and biogas) or in processed form (e.g. in the production of industrial pellets).